People 4 Earth
People 4 Earth Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports farmers and companies to realize step by step sustainable and profitable food supply chains and products. We established the AgriPlace Platform to be used by farmers to collect and share their sustainability data with their partners in the supply chain. Also, it aims to make compliance easier for farmers, cooperatives, PMO’s, traders, buyers and other stakeholders.

The People 4 Earth Foundation's mission is to serve as a facilitator and accelerator for sustainable development in food supply chains. We work to fill the need for more transparency and harmonization of sustainability data. This, in turn, can stimulate profitable, sustainable business, benefitting all stakeholders and the Earth.
The Board of Directors consists of a small group of committed people that bring a variety of talents, experience and expertise to the People 4 Earth Foundation.

Hans Huijbers, Chair of the Board
After years of working as a board member in a Young Farmers Guild, National Herd Improvement Organisation and in a Water Board, Hans has been chairman of ZLTO (Southern Agricultural and Horticultural Organisation) for 10 years, until April 2019. ZLTO is an organisation which represents 16.000 farmers in the southern part of the Netherlands. Hans believes in prosumer thinking (producer – consumer) and he wants to put his money where his mouth is. That is why, he and his wife, combine their day-to-day dairy farm business with a welcoming restaurant and coffeehouse that are open to the public.
The People 4 Earth Foundation is a Dutch organization for social and environmental profit.
It aims to enhance transparency and cooperation in supply chains, resulting in products that are socially just, ecologically sustainable and economically valuable.
The People 4 Earth Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation
( in Dutch Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling - ANBI).
People 4 Earth Foundation, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 120, 1012 SH Amsterdam
E-mail: info@people4earth.org
Chamber of Commerce: 08178490
VAT: 8196.89.00.002.B.01

Geert Kuipers, Treasurer
Geert Kuipers works in the financial services industry for about 20 years. He studied Economics in Wageningen, the Netherlands. In the past, he has worked for Unilever and the Rabobank. Geert is specialized in Farm, Food, and Finance and is an independent financial advisor and business consultant. Geert owned a farm together with his father till 2008. Geert is convinced that the next step in sustainable agriculture and food chain will be supported by connected data in the cloud. This information will also be used in the communication and marketing of the products and food.

Jan Willem Erisman, Secretary
Jan Willem Erisman is CEO of the Louis Bolk Institute, a mid-sized knowledge institute in the area of sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health. He is also a professor at the VU University Amsterdam on Integrated Nitrogen Studies.
Jan Willem has a background in atmospheric environmental research specifically the atmosphere-biosphere exchange of gases and aerosols related to acidification and eutrophication and climate change, scientific, policy development and evaluation studies. His work has focused on optimizing food production and energy use while minimizing the environmental impacts of increased nitrogen cycling.