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AgriPlace Chain is growing rapidly across Europe regardless of Corona

10th November 2020

"In the first 6 months of 2020, more than 20 companies in the fruit and vegetable industry have started making full use of the system. Next to this, we also see a rapid increase in the number of companies registering with a free account on the platform. This ensures that fresh produce companies worldwide can easily collect and share information." Nico Broersen, AgriPlace

The world of quality in produce is changing rapidly
In the past decade the requirements of consumers, retailers and certifiers around quality, sustainability and social aspects of produce have grown dramatically. In addition, these requirements have become more diverse, what is accepted by one customer is rejected by another.

Increasing work and risks
The process of keeping track of all the needed quality information for audits and ensuring that every product meets the requirements of customers has become more challenging and costly. Furthermore, clients are increasingly requesting supply chain information and auditors are becoming stricter in checking whether all documentation is in order.

Growing awareness
We see a growing awareness in production companies that the manual way of managing this process with Excel-sheets, emails and SharePoint is becoming obsolete. Furthermore, we are increasingly hearing stories where a product is allocated with not compliant quality requirements.

Why do produce companies join AgriPlace Chain?
We have built AgriPlace Chain specifically for companies in produce to reduce the work in collecting and sharing information for all the supply chain members in the industry. Therefore, we constantly improve the product together with our clients in produce to make it even easier to manage quality in their supply chain. One example of this is the connection with the GLOBALG.A.P. database. Once a GGN is introduced in AgriPlace Chain, the system instantly provides relevant certificates and ensures that GLOBALG.A.P. information is always up to date.

Who is using AgriPlace Chain?
Since the launch in the end of 2019, we have had many forward-facing companies join us, ranging from large to small. Some names include the Best Fresh Group, Fruitmasters, FreshKampo and BerryWorld.

For more information:
Nico Broersen

+31 (0) 613 369 752


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