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Customer story Uvasdoce

“By using Agriplace Chain's platform you can unify and digitize all the documentation you need for the whole chain, ensuring that you don't lose your certification."

Adrián Martinez, Quality Assurance

Adrián Martínez Moreno has been the quality manager at Uvasdoce for nearly three years. We recently had a conversation with him in which he shared with us how much his work life has improved by using Agriplace Chain.

His story highlights how he initially struggled to keep up with all the different documents required from suppliers, and how joining Agriplace has helped him face this time-consuming task.  


As a quality manager Adrián, often found himself having to juggle all the different documents required from suppliers, a task which was made even more difficult by needing to do everything through email, storing all the information in separate folders on the computer. Specifically, this was done using Excel files containing all the suppliers’ information, such as names, expiry dates for supplier documentation and trade timelines. Subsequently, in order to retrieve these documents Adrián had to go to the respective folders and search through all the different files. This made the whole process extremely tedious and time consuming.  


Additionally, the collaboration between departments was complicated as they had to coordinate all the different documents that each department required, and everyone requested these individually. Therefore, suppliers would receive various emails from the same company but from other departments, costing both the company and the suppliers a lot of time. 


In order to escape from all this tediousness, Uvasdoce decided to make use of Agriplace Chain.  


The main feature which sold Uvasdoce on Agriplace Chain is that the GLOBALG.A.P and BRC certifications are always updated through the database. Previously, when working without this function the company struggled to stay on top of them, as they are   easy to miss, especially when dealing with a lot of suppliers and producers. Another selling point came from how this tool can automatically send document requests to suppliers, eliminating the need to always be aware of which documents are expiring and when. 


By using Agriplace Chain, Adrián is now able to perform his tasks in much less time. For example, a task that would usually take him a month, like awaiting a supplier’s response while looking up all the relevant information on the GLOBALG.A.P’s database, now takes him two weeks. Because of this he is able to focus more on other day-to-day tasks. For example, he is freer to follow-up on any request from a customer, to do a traceability analysis for a supplier, to visit the fields and attend customer visits or meetings. 


When asked for three reasons why he would recommend using Agriplace Chain, Adrián had this to say: “By using Agriplace Chain's platform you can unify and digitize all the documentation you need for the whole chain, ensuring that you don't lose your certification. You are also able to automate processes and bring together the requirements of several departments into one place so that not only your department, but other departments save time as well.  Overall, communication improves because you have everything up to date whether they are certified as: GLOBALG.A.P., BRC, IFS, or some ISO”.

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