AgriPlace launches a platform for insight in sustainability risks in fresh produce
16th June 2022
Amsterdam, June 16th, 2022 – The need for companies to gain insights into supply chain sustainability risks has increased rapidly due to the upcoming European due diligence legislation. To help fruit and vegetable companies with their due diligence exercise, AgriPlace (the international platform for sustainability and safety insight in the food industry) is creating a tool that allows its users to easily assess 17 social, environmental, and governmental supply chain risks. The tool integrates the risk database and methodology from SIFAV (Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables).
Generic and supply chain-based risk assessments based on location, product, and volume.
The tool consists of two main pillars – a generic risk assessment and a custom risk assessment based on one’s own supply chains. The generic assessment discloses risk scores for a country-product combination, for example, an environmental risk score for ‘Bananas from Costa Rica.’ A few risk dimensions, like water risk and deforestation, are specified on a regional level.
The custom risk assessment reports scores specifically for your own supply chain. The necessary user input is a combination of product, source country or region, and the corresponding volume. The assessment tool then automatically calculates risk scores accordingly and creates custom reports which can be exported and shared.
From many [sources] to one
The Sustainability risk assessment tool builds on the risk methodology and database from Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV). The database which was developed by consultancy BlueNorth Sustainability combines data from external, credible data sources for each of 17 key risk dimensions for the fresh produce industry into one standardized database.
The Sustainability Risk Assessment is developed in collaboration with SIFAV and will be launched end of June.

About SIFAV:
The Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV) aims to actively contribute to a more sustainable fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain. Its purpose is to create impact at scale by aligning policies, targets, and collaborative action. SIFAV is coordinated by IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative. SIFAV is a pan-European initiative representing more than 40 partners, among them retailers, brands, traders, civil society organizations and other supporting parties. In 2021, SIFAV launched its new 2025 strategy, with a clear focus on reducing the environmental footprint across the supply chain, improving working conditions, wages and incomes, and strengthening due diligence reporting and transparency.